More ways to maximize your message…
It may sound a bit repetitive, but the sea change in multimedia has more to do with the delivery of media than anything else. True multimedia has been a promise for many years – now it’s a reality! It shouldn’t be frightening – it should be exciting. Any time you can get more bang for your buck, it’s a good thing!
I enjoy working with clients who have jumped on the multimedia bandwagon, and I often help them out with the direction they need to go – they not only put my productions on their websites, DVDs and Laptops, but also on their iPhones, iPads, Blackberrys, and any other smart devices which they carry. It gives them the ability to get their message across anywhere they are…a board room, an impromptu client meeting, even at their father’s seventieth birthday party. When you can carry your message with you anywhere, you can get it viewed any time you want.